Announcement for the Day! | Unsplash by AbsolutVision
Announcement for the Day! | Unsplash by AbsolutVision
As warm weather approaches, so does fishing season! As Michiganders begin preparing for the season, it's important to get familiar with the Eat Safe
Fish Guides to learn more about the risks and benefits of eating fish caught in Michigan.
The Eat Safe Fish Guide contains fish consumption guidelines and advisories for hundreds of waterbodies in Michigan. These regional guides can help
Michiganders plan their fish consumption to minimize exposure to chemicals that can build up in fish, while still getting all the health benefits of eating
By using the Eat Safe Fish Guides, Michigan fish consumers can be confident they are making informed choices about eating the fish they catch from
their local lake or river. Eat Safe Fish consumption guidelines are not laws or regulations, and no one is required to follow them. Instead, the guidelines
are a free resource for those who would like information about which fish, and how much of those fish, are healthy to eat from various bodies of water
across the state.
Original source can be found here.